creating a
Place | Purpose | Passion
for all people
Sunday Gatherings
9:00 am: Traditional Worship
10:00 am: Adult Sunday School
11:00 am: Modern Worship
6:00 pm: Good People Worship
Nursery: 8:45 am - 12:15 pm
10:00 am: Kidz Music
K-5 Sunday School: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Youth Ministry: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Plan Your Visit
What kind of church is Faith?
Faith is part of the United Methodist Church, a protestant Christian denomination that started as a Spirit-led renewal movement in the Church of England. This means that we are part of the historic Christian tradition going all the way back to the earliest churches. Faith is an intergenerational church, with people from 5 years old to 96 years and older leading us in worship. Finally, Faith is a friendly and encouraging congregation, meaning that everyone is welcome to share in the life and worship of our community of faith.
Where do I go when I get to the church?
There are two options when it comes to parking. Both of them have a number of accessible spaces. You can park up top and head straight into the sanctuary. Alternately, you can park on the lower level behind the building. Our offices, nursery, and Sunday school classrooms are on this level. You can take an elevator or the stairs between floors.
Wherever you enter, we know you’ll find plenty of helpful, friendly people ready to welcome you to Faith.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever feels right to you and helps you to feel comfortable worshipping the Lord. You will find people wearing everything from sport coats and dresses to shorts and sandals.
What should I expect in worship?
Our worship services each last a little less than an hour. Faith is part of the Christian liturgical tradition, which simply means that we like to include different people leading in worship. You will see 7-year-old acolytes carrying in the light of Christ and 97-year-old heroes leading us in a Call to Worship. This also means we follow the church calendar, celebrating seasons like Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and (extra)Ordinary Time.
We open worship with a time of welcome and announcements, followed by scripture and song. Our 9:00 am service includes mostly traditional hymns, while our 11:00 am service includes a mix of modern worship songs and classic hymns. The sermon is always rooted in Scripture while being relevant to our daily experiences. Finally, we end each week with the opportunity to share in communion. Everyone is welcome to share in the body and blood of Jesus.
Are my children welcome in church?
Yes! There is a place and a purpose for everyone in worship at Faith. While our nursery is open all morning for children up to age five, we invite all our kids to share in worship. They even have an opportunity to lead worship as acolytes, bringing in the light of Christ. After a brief children’s message following the offering, kids are welcome to stay with their families in worship or head downstairs for Sunday School during the sermon.
Our 6th-12th grade youth are encouraged to experience worship on Sunday mornings and come back Sunday evening for our Soul’d Out Youth gatherings.
Is your worship online?
Yes! You can catch both services every Sunday morning streamed live on our Facebook page. We leave them up, so feel free to check us out anytime! Just looking for a sermon? Head over to our YouTube channel.